Contributed by Ben In Cleveland, Ohio a large three story manor stands as testament to a bygone era . This former funeral home was once a meeting place for grieving
Contributed by Tim Hi I heard a unique story from a woman living in the Northeastern Ohio area. She insists that animals resembling Yeti or Bigfoot have invaded the back
Contributed by Anonymous I’ve heard a lot of stories about a rehabilitation center in Chardon OH. According to a few nurses I know who worked there, a ghost of what
Contributed by Anonymous Hi, I found your site when I searching the internet for paranormal stories about the Kirtland/Chardon area. I wanted to relate this story that I heard from
Hi! I would like to submit a haunted place for your website. Here’s the info: Palace TheatreCanton, Ohio On the opening night in 1926, patrons of the Palace Theatre were
Although it is not a Cleveland subject matter, I have written another book containing many a creepy thing, PARANORMAL MISSISSIPPI RIVER. My longest work yet, more than 300 pages. So
Have you seen the video? Fox 8 has disabled embedding, so you’ll have to go there to watch it. Well. What do you think?
P.S. This is not me. (I am *not* CharlesAtTheCastle) This is the current owner/caretaker…

A friend of mine allowed me to post these two photos of her son’s kindergarten graduation party this past spring. She wants to know what you think that white, tornado-looking
Yes, Cleveland – it’s that time of year again! The weather’s getting chilly, the Halloween displays are in full bloom at Marc’s and Walmart and the Browns are making me