From the Creepy Cleveland Archives—Contributed by I’m 20 years old and I’m very familiar with the Kirtland area due to riding horses out at the Holden Arboretum and having
Month: July 2009
From the Creepy Cleveland Archives—Contributed by Doctor Crow owned quite a bit of land out in the Kirtland Chardon area, running (from my understanding) from his house at Shadybrook
From the Creepy Cleveland Archives—Contributed by Jay Remember me? I sent you a story a while ago, about the Chagrin River. Anyway, I know lots about the Melon Heads myth.
From the Creepy Cleveland Archives—Contributed by Justin Vargo The story as I have heard it is that Dr. Crow (possibly spelled Crowe, I have seen it both ways) was a
From the Creepy Cleveland Archives—Contributed by Paul Intihar At Wickliffe High School in the mid-60’s, we heard a different version of the Melon Heads story. Some kids were driving around
From the Creepy Cleveland Archives—Contributed by Miss S Okay – I read all the Melon Heads stuff on your site. I thought this thing died out long ago… Anyway, I
I’m finally going through all the stories I received and posted on the Old Creepy Cleveland site. I’m going to start re-posting them here in the new format and tag
From the Creepy Cleveland Archives:—Contributed by Jeff B My name is Jeff B.and I used to live by the woods on Wisner Road near the Lundgren barn. When I was