I have submitted the Witches Grave Pics, the bar and Gore Orphanage – recently I have moved to Mentor Rd. in Chardon. Facing my house and pointing right (north) is an old schoolhouse (prob. as old as the one I live in, about 150 yrs. old) – turned into a home. The nearest road (still pointing north) is the famous “Wisner Rd.” Now Pointing south, the first house is condemned and run down, and after that is the cemetery across from Hermitage Rd. If you walk into my back yard (woods) about 500 paces there is a Stone Cabin, probably over 100 yrs. old. So I live smack dab in the middle of some folklore and oldtime ghost stories. I step out to have a cigarette around 11:30pm or so and I can hear gunshots and a woman screaming bloody murder “Nooooo!!” Usually I count 8 shots and three long screams. The coyotes and screech owls in these woods are plentiful, but with all the research, neither animal can make the sound of that woman screaming. It sounds like it is coming from the stone cabin. I also hear eerie noises of scurrying in the loft of my house. I’ve also been wondering if that stone cabin back there may have something to do with the part of the old Dr. Crowe legend where the government put him into hiding??? It sits upon a cliff and down hill is the creek – so anything could be in that basement (which doesn’t have an outside doorhandle or lock). That basement could also go very deep. Very creepy. I have, from time to time, also seen through my out of the corner of my eye, a small dark figure which moves very fast as if it is retrieving something in the backyard and taking it back into the woods. Weird, because we have a food compost pile back there. Wendigo? Melon Head? Just a big raccoon? I will submit pics of some crazy stuff just as soon as I can.
Chris Smith.

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