Hi! I would like to submit a haunted place for your website. Here’s the info:
Palace Theatre
Canton, Ohio
On the opening night in 1926, patrons of the Palace Theatre were treated to the sounds of the Kilgen Wonder Organ at the hands of the famous Banks Kennedy. In the 1930’s, he was shot and killed in the basement of the theatre by the order of a mob boss. Banks had been dating the mob boss’s daughter against his wishes. There have also been reports of a little girl seen in the balcony.
Thanks for the story, Ben. I was able to find some additional info on the Canton Paranormal MySpace page that corresponds with your story!
The Palace Theatre, in connection with NEOGS (www.neoghosts.com), will be having ghost tours and private overnight investigations for anyone interested in ghost hunting at the haunted theatre in Canton, Ohio. Visit our official facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Palace-Theatre/219658348087665) for more info.
And finally, of course, is the lack of production funds that is required to rent a theater space, to create a gorgeous stage and to market the show in popular media like television.Hamilton