I had just found your website while talking with family about Squires Castle.
I have lived in the Lake Co. area my whole life and have been going there since I was very small. I now take my kids there-
Each trip I am always taking pictures of the castle. Last year on Mother’s Day, we took the kids to the park and I decided to start taking pictures with my children in different places of the castle to later put together in a frame all together. I have had that picture on the bookshelf and never really looked at it.
While on my computer looking at the ‘ghost’ in my house that I happened to catch on film we decided to look closer at all the pictures that I had taken at the castle to see if there was anything caught.
Well, upon looking at the umpteenth picture, we saw it! I have a picture of a shadow looking out of the castle towards my son. I know for a fact there was no one in the castle at the time I took the picture. I have had way to many pictures ruined because of some nut case making faces while I was snapping pictures-
Anyway I thought that you might find the picture as interesting as we all did. Look in the window on the left of the photo, under the ‘stripes’ – The next photo is a close up of that window.
I also wanted to tell you what a GREAT site you have put together! I found myself reading into the wee hours of the morning to all the information that you have.
Keep up the good work-

How can you tell which direction a shadow is looking? You claim it's looking towards your son, yet your son is clearly positioned farther back, and out of sight for anyone looking out of that window. If you turn the brightness up high enough in the cropped image, you can even see that the "shadow" looks to be wearing a blue shirt and seems to have the same hair line as your son. I'm not saying you faked this, I'm just saying "try harder next time".